The Conduit for PDS Frac Interference Exchange provides comprehensive access to your shared hydraulic fracturing information fully managed in a local SQL Server database on your network. We provide the data designed specifically for Esri’s ArcMap, Tibco’s Spotfire, and Microsoft’s Excel complete with ready-to-run templates built using SQL Server native spatial geometries.

Conduit Systems of Access Designed for PDS Frac X

Conduit System Of Access for ArcMap/ArcGIS Pro

The Conduit for PDS Frac X data comes complete with a ready-to-run Esri ArcMap template for all your entitled data. These datasets are maintained in SQL Server Spatial tables and are performance-tuned and tested for ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Server, and Portal. The template includes Active and Upcoming flags for highlighting nearby activities.

PDS FracX ArcMap.png

Conduit System of Access for Excel

The Conduit for PDS Frac X data comes complete with an auto-updated Microsoft Excel template for the Frac Exchange Schedule in your operating areas. This Excel document is updated daily in SQL Server and refreshes automatically upon launching the template.

PDS FracX Excel.png

Conduit System of Access for Spotfire

The Conduit for PDS Frac X provides a Tibco Spotfire template for the Frac Exchange Schedule in your operating areas. This template loads and automatically refreshes the data in Spotfire upon launching the template.

PDS FracX Spotfire.png